Fat Burning Supplements for Men: The Healthiest Way to Lose Weight Fast

VaughnDo you have a few extra pounds of unwanted fat you’d like to burn off?  Have you noticed the older you get, the more pounds you seem to pack on?

There is a natural explanation for that: As we get older our bodies produce less and less testosterone.  This not only results in more body fat, but less lean muscle as well.

The most effective and natural supplement for easy and fast weight loss is testosterone.  It has been shown in several clinical studies to decrease fat mass, improve insulin resistance, insulin sensitivity, and blood sugar levels.1  It can decrease fat while increasing muscle.2 Natural testosterone supplementation can also give you stronger bones.3

If you think it is too late for you to increase your testosterone levels, consider the fact that multiple studies have shown it increases muscle and strength, even in elderly men.4  It can also improve your mood, sexual performance, and libido.5

Nowadays most doctors understand the benefits of replacing the testosterone you once had with bioidentical testosterone.  If you feel you are low, see your doctor and ask for a prescription for a daily dose of 100mg of testosterone.

It is the single most effective fat burner supplement that is natural and healthy. It will help you increase muscle, lose weight fast, and begin feeling like your old self again.

Best Herbal Weight Loss Supplements

There are a number of effective herbal products that have been shown to be effective for weight loss. Here are a couple:

Alpha-Lipoic Acid

Alpha-Lipoic Acid is a popular nutritional supplement for diabetics.  However, it has also been shown in clinical trials to help people lose weight and improve sugar metabolism.  All this and very few side effects, especially at low doses, makes alpha-lipoic acid a great supplement.


Resveratrol is a naturally occurring substance found in some berries, grapes, and peanuts.  Many people know it to be associated with longevity, but it has also been shown to be effective for weight loss by helping you feel full and burning calories even while resting.

For a more extensive list and comprehensive explanation of these and other herbal weight loss, check out: The Skinny on Herbal Weight Loss Supplements, or come by the Compounding Pharmacy and talk with our on-call pharmacist.


  1. Holmäng S, Jönsson L, Sjöström L, Kvist H, Holm G, Lindstedt G, Björntorp P. (1992). “The effects of testosterone treatment on body composition and metabolism in middle-aged obese men”.  Journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity. 16(12): 991-7.
  2. Snyder P, Peachey H, Hannoush P, et al. (1999). “Effect of Testosterone Treatment on Body Composition and Muscle Strength in Men Over 65 Years of Age”. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism  84(8): 2647-2653.
  3. Katznelson L, Finkelstein J, Schoenfeld D, Rosenthal D, Anderson E, Klibanski A. (1996). “Increase in bone density and lean body mass during testosterone administration in men with acquired hypogonadism”. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 81(12): 4358-4365.
  4. Urban R, Bodenburg Y, Gilkison C, Foxworth J, Coggan A, Wolfe R, Ferrando A. (1995). “Testosterone administration to elderly men increases skeletal muscle strength and protein synthesis”.  AJP – Endo. 269(5): E820-E826.
  5. Wang C, Swerdloff R, Iranmanesh A, et al. (2000). ”Transdermal Testosterone Gel Improves Sexual Function, Mood, Muscle Strength, and Body Composition Parameters in Hypogonadal Men”. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 85(8): 2839-2853.


photo, courtesy of vaughn montgomery

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