Why Vitamin B12 Injections Are Given for Weight Loss

Syringe Sarah G

Vitamin B12

Have you ever wondered why so many weight loss clinics give vitamin B12 injections to their patients? The reason for this is not that B12 or any other vitamin will curb your appetite or help you lose weight fast, but it can indirectly help in a few ways.

The fact is when most people cut calories, they tend to run low on energy.

“Without that sugar rush from my 3:00 snack, I might not be able to stay awake until quitting time.”

The first way vitamin B12 can help people who are trying to lose weight is by providing a much needed energy boost. It acts as an enzyme to jump start different chemical reactions in the body, including metabolism, which results in energy.

The opposite scenario is true too. When a person becomes deficient in Vitamin B12, one of the first symptoms they experience is fatigue. A government study indicated that B12 deficiency is fairly common. B12 is also used in the proper production of red blood cells. An inadequate supply of red blood cells could result in insufficient oxygen distribution to the body, which would increase fatigue.

Another way that vitamin B12 can slightly aid in the dieting process is due to its role in metabolism. If the body is lacking in B12, the rate of metabolism can be slowed down.

Dietary Sources

Good dietary sources of vitamin b12 include: clams, beef, salmon, eggs, milk, and cheese. There are numerous brands of vitamin B12 tablets available to buy, but if your body can’t absorb B12, none of them will help.

This inability to absorb B12 is number one cause of vitamin B12 deficiency.2×

If you think you might not be able to absorb B12, there are other options. There are tablets that disintegrate on or under the tongue, as well as sprays and patches available.

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More Information

For a list and explanation of herbal supplements that really work, check out: The Skinny on the Best Weight Loss Supplements. There are also prescriptions available that can be very helpful, including a product called HCG.  For more information, feel free to stop by our Compounding Pharmacy and talk with the on-call pharmacist.


  1. www.ars.usda.gov/is/pr/2000/000802.htm
  2. Masnou H, Domènech E, Navarro-Llavat M, et al. (2007). “Pernicious anaemia in triplets. A case report and literature review”. Gastroenterologia y Hepatologia 30(10): 580-2.

photo credit: Sarah G…

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