Weight Loss

Eating Plans to Lose Weight Fast

Why Most Diets Don’t Work Behind smoking, obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death. It is clearly a health problem that is reaching epidemic proportions. Ironically a drastic attempt at cutting calories usually does not work, because it puts the body into starvation mode where it wants to store away as much fat […]

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Why Vitamin B12 Injections Are Given for Weight Loss

Vitamin B12 Have you ever wondered why so many weight loss clinics give vitamin B12 injections to their patients? The reason for this is not that B12 or any other vitamin will curb your appetite or help you lose weight fast, but it can indirectly help in a few ways. The fact is when most […]

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The Skinny on the Best Herbal Weight Loss Supplements

If you’re like me, you are always on the look out for an edge in the battle of the bulge. If it’s an herb or vitamin that claims to work for weight loss, chances are I’ve tried it. I have found some supplements to be effective, but science found them first. This is my list […]

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Best Protein Supplements Recommended by Trainers

Why Protein is Important You already know the reason you need protein. Muscles, skin, hair, nails, organs, and connective tissues are all made up of protein. After water, it is the most common building material found in the human body. Why Is Whey Protein Good For You? All sources of protein are not equal. Some […]

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Why Pharmacist’s Take Resveratrol

Resveratol is a naturally occurring substance found in some foods like peanuts, blueberries, red grapes, and a very small amount in red wine.   Because of its effects on longevity, many pharmacists and doctors are taking it themselves. It all started back in 2003 when a group of researchers reported that resveratrol significantly extended the […]

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